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Internships & Careers

You will register for your internship via I-Plan, the new BYU-Idaho online academic planning tool.
To learn how to register through I-Plan, click the button below and follow the directions. After submitting the internship registration through I-Plan, your form will be sent to the Internship Coordinator for approval. After the approved registration form is processed, you will receive an email from the University Internship office notifying you that you are then approved to register for 1-3 credits of HUM 398R.
To learn how to register through I-Plan, click the button below and follow the directions. After submitting the internship registration through I-Plan, your form will be sent to the Internship Coordinator for approval. After the approved registration form is processed, you will receive an email from the University Internship office notifying you that you are then approved to register for 1-3 credits of HUM 398R.

You will register for your internship via I-Plan, the new BYU-Idaho online academic planning tool.
To learn how to register through I-Plan, click the button below and follow the directions. After submitting the internship registration through I-Plan, your form will be sent to the Internship Coordinator for approval. After the approved registration form is processed, you will receive an email from the University Internship office notifying you that you are then approved to register for 1-3 credits of HUM 398R.
To learn how to register through I-Plan, click the button below and follow the directions. After submitting the internship registration through I-Plan, your form will be sent to the Internship Coordinator for approval. After the approved registration form is processed, you will receive an email from the University Internship office notifying you that you are then approved to register for 1-3 credits of HUM 398R.
NOTE: If you are the first BYU-Idaho intern to work under your Experience Provider, that particular organization MUST complete a one-time, online Master Internship Agreement. This agreement must be signed and on file in the Academic Discovery Center prior to the start of the internship experience.
Registration Instructions
Registration Instructions
Description & Information
Junior-level status; approval of Department Internship Coordinator or Chair.
Students will register for HUM 398R to complete the internship.
Variable credit course (1-3 credits); a minimum of 70 hours of internship work experience is required for each credit hour earned.
Learning Outcomes
- Learn important skills working in a professional, Humanities-related field.
- Integrate and apply concepts and skills learned in the classroom to on-the-job work settings.
- Cultivate future employment opportunities and professional connections, while gaining a greater understanding and vision of career options and possibilities.
- Prepare for graduate/law school, professional-level employment, or other life-long learning opportunities.
Course Description
Internships are specifically designed to provide students with a personalized experience in a professional, Humanities-related career prior to graduation. It should enhance and augment the student's upper-division classroom studies and experience.
Students complete this optional Capstone experience preferably between their Junior and Senior years. As a non-work-study experience, therefore, internships are not intended to be completed between semesters. Rather, they are viewed as an after-hours, part/full-time experience, and are more likely to be available outside the BYU-Idaho area. However, a few on-campus internships have been approved (mainly in the Spori Art Gallery).
Internships should have responsibilities that pertain directly to the broader Humanities/Liberal Arts, with particular emphasis on gaining experience and skills in future career-related paths and fields.
Students should work closely with a mentor in the organization (Experience Provider) for whom they are working.
Internships should have responsibilities that pertain directly to the broader Humanities/Liberal Arts, with particular emphasis on gaining experience and skills in future career-related paths and fields.
Students should work closely with a mentor in the organization (Experience Provider) for whom they are working.

Before registering for HUM 398R, reassure that the following items are in order:
- Research prospective internship opportunities (210-hour minimum requirement for 3 credits).
- Schedule and meet with the Humanities Internship Coordinator to gain preliminary approval.
- Officially secure the internship position.
- Familiarize yourself with the internship requirements, specifically the Internship Journal you will keep to document your experiences, which you will submit to the Internship Coordination at regular intervals throughout the duration of your internship experience. Journals are to be submitted twice monthly via email and should address the 4 specific outcomes as outlined in the course syllabus (and above). Photographs are encouraged.
*It is required that you meet with the Internship Coordinator, prior to securing an internship, to discuss possible internship ideas and to ensure a smoother registration process.
I learned so much about Europe and especially Italy; I wouldn't change a thing. I feel that this was a true capstone for my humanities degree.
Student Societies
Learn more about societies available to you through the department!
The purpose of this society is to increase the skills and abilities of students interested in philosophy by practicing and exercising critical and philosophical thinking and by informing and introducing those new to the study of philosophy to the methods of philosophy as an academic and personal discipline. The Philosophical Society aims to provide an avenue of learning not just for students, but for faculty and the University at large, and to encourage interdisciplinary dialogue on relevant philosophical topics so as to create a University-wide forum. The society also encourages discourse with other institutions of higher learning by promoting debate and an exchange of ideas with professors and students of other Universities. The Philosophical Society fosters a safe, wholesome atmosphere for individuals to discuss philosophical topics with students of common interests, and form friendships based on the love and pursuit of wisdom.
Go to I-Belong
Go to I-Belong
Welcome to the Humanities Society. We are pleased to have you join us! The Humanities Society helps students connect and build relationships with like-minded individuals! We also provide academic resources and opportunities. Come join our fun activities and presenters as we learn more about the humanities together.
Go to I-Belong
Go to I-Belong