Possible Consequences of Withdrawal
Dropping all classes from your schedule before the "withdrawal" deadline will result in you being withdrawn from BYU-I. You will not be allowed to withdraw after the deadline and will receive the grades earned in your courses. Before withdrawing from BYU-I please consider the following:

- Eligibility for Tuition Refund
- Possible Repayment of Financial Aid
- Possible Loss of Scholarships
- Eligibility to Remain in Student Housing
- Loss of Campus Employment
- Eligibility to Retain Health Insurance
- Impact on Academic Record and Standing
- Loss of Admission Status; Need to Reapply
- Loss of Visa (International Students)
If you only need one semester off from your assigned track or are leaving for a mission, a deferment may be more appropriate. Visit the Deferment Options page for more information on applying for deferments.
Withdrawal Deadlines
Contact Admissions with your questions, no matter if you are a prospective, current, or Pathway student!