Receive or Renew Your Endorsement
The Student Ecclesiastical Endorsement elevates the student’s interview by aligning it with the ecclesiastical responsibilities of priesthood leaders and focusing on a student’s efforts to grow spiritually and meet ecclesiastical standards.
Leaders can access a queue of students seeking endorsement by selecting “LEADER” and following the instructions.
Student Ecclesiastical Endorsement Questions

- Are you striving to deepen your testimony of God, the Eternal Father; His Son, Jesus Christ; and the Holy Ghost?
- Are you striving to deepen your testimony of the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ?
- What does the Atonement of Jesus Christ and His role as your Savior and Redeemer mean to you?
- Are you striving for moral cleanliness in your thoughts and behavior?
- Do you obey the law of chastity?
- Do you sustain the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles as prophets, seers, and revelators?
- Do you support or promote any teachings, practices, or doctrine contrary to those of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?
- Do you regularly participate in your church meetings and strive to keep the Sabbath day holy?
- Do you strive to be honest in all that you do, including keeping the commitments you have made?
- The Church Educational System is supported and funded by the tithes of the Church of Jesus Christ. Are you a full-tithe payer?
- Do you obey the Word of Wisdom?
- Are you striving to live the teachings of the Church and keep the covenants you have made to this point in your life?
- Are there serious sins in your life that need to be resolved with priesthood authorities as part of your repentance?
Frequently Asked Questions
The electronic continuing endorsement is an online form students must complete before meeting with their bishop for a continuing endorsement interview. Following the interview, bishops complete the endorsement process, removing the continuing endorsement hold from the student’s record.
The endorsement needs to be renewed during the first semester of the assigned track. The endorsement previously completed may have been an admissions application endorsement and is only valid through the first semester of the assigned track. The continuing endorsement has to be renewed before you will be able to register for future classes.
Yes. Non-LDS students must be endorsed by the bishop of the LDS ward boundary in which they currently reside.
You will need to visit with your bishop to discuss the situation.
Yes. A Continuing Ecclesiastical Endorsement is necessary for anyone representing the university through either coursework or other activities.
Yes. All BYU-Idaho students should have current endorsements.
Students who are on campus must receive their continuing endorsement from their campus ward bishop.
You will not be able to register. However, you may appeal the bishop's decision to your stake president.
Contact your bishop and make arrangements with him to do your endorsement as part of the reapplication process.
No. Not the continuing endorsement.
The process is completed only online.
- Is it your time to renew your continuing endorsement? Holds go on the first semester of your assigned track for campus students, and every spring semester for online students.
- Try changing your browser.
- If still unable, please call the Student Honor Office.
It is time to renew your continuing ecclesiastical endorsement for your next semester. This hold only prevents you from registering for future classes.
You need to determine what kind of hold is placed on your record. Is it a financial, academic, Honor Code, or continuing endorsement hold? You will need to contact the office that placed the hold and clear it up before you can register.
He most likely is going to the wrong website. He will need to access Endorsements.
Go to the ‘search’ button. By entering the least information will help you select the correct ward. [For Example, if you are attending the Rexburg YSA 120th, you would enter Rexburg YSA. On the right side of the screen will come up all the Rexburg YSA wards, select the 120th ward and verify the name of the bishop is correct.] If you are from a ward that only has one name worldwide, you will still need to click on it even if there is only one. That way it will send it to that ward queue. You MUST click on the ward first, then click on ‘next’ and proceed.
Yes, online students are required to receive an annual ecclesiastical endorsement. As of Spring Semester 2018, all BYU-Idaho online students are required to renew their ecclesiastical endorsement each year during Spring Semester. You will receive an email reminder to have your endorsement renewed. You will also see an endorsement hold placed on your account that must be resolved before registering for classes.