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Records Retention

Information regarding the handling of institutional records.

About Records Retention

The Office of Special Collections & Records Management provides general guidelines for promoting University compliance with recordkeeping laws and regulations. Such compliance manages risk, reduces costs, increases efficiency, and preserves University history. The office also helps departments with information needs by:

  • Maintaining the authorized Campus Retention Schedule (CRS). The CRS is designed to help departments organize their records and to determine retention periods and disposition.
  • Providing directions & instructions for managing and retaining records. 
  • Offering training and assistance on recordkeeping.
  • Assisting in disposition of records either through destruction or transfer to Special Collections.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Office of Special Collections and Records Management is to support the University community in effectively managing the University's current or active records in any format, and determining retention and disposition of non-current or inactive records. Records management staff train campus personnel, support efficient access to essential information, and assist in evaluating historical University records. Through education and oversight, our ultimate goal is to bring records retention to every desktop computer throughout the University.

The program is under the direction of records management personnel who report to the Library Director.

*Select departments maintain their own Retention Schedules.