Family Relations is a service provided by the advanced practicum students in the Department of Home and Family at BYU-Idaho. The practicum students will work directly with you face-to-face or via Zoom to identify your family related needs and will then provide free family life education specifically tailored to help you build stronger family relationships.
What the Program Entails
- You will take a 7-10 minute survey online.
- You will then have a one-on-one Zoom meeting to assess your goals and interests. (30-40 minutes)
- Then you will have up to 4 additional one-on-one Zoom sessions (40-50 minutes each)
- Possible topics that can be covered:
- Preparing for marriage
- Principles associated with a strong marriage
- Parenting
- Family Finances
- Relationships between family members
- How to manage stressful family challenges
- Home management
If interested
We appreciate your interest in Family Relations. Because of our love for children and families, we are excited about this opportunity and will do our best to create an environment that invites the Spirit into learning ways to strengthen families. Practicum students will provide support and assistance to you as you fulfill your exciting yet often challenging family responsibilities.
Governing Principles for Family Relations
- Educational services are provided by students enrolled at BYU-Idaho and will be supervised by faculty in the Department of Home and Family.
- This family life education program will be structured after the BYU-Idaho learning model, whereby practicum and participating students are both learners and teachers. The purpose of this program is to provide an exchange whereby both parties are able to learn from one another.
- Where possible, practicum students will work in pairs.
- Consistent with face-to-face classes at BYU-Idaho, practicum students will extend an invitation to open each session with a prayer.
- At the beginning of the semester, practicum students will contact participants via Zoom to identify specific family related needs and to set up future meetings. These are to occur using technology that allows for face-to-face communication.
- Teaching exchanges will occur over a 4-week period and conclude after the fourth session takes place. Due to the number of participants involved in Family Relations, the number of sessions allotted to each participant is generally limited to four sessions beyond the initial appointment, with each session generally occurring once per week for 30 to 50 minutes.
- You will need to complete a brief questionnaire in order to better help practicum students understand your needs. At the end of the questionnaire, you will need to read the agreement guidelines. If you choose to agree to the conditions, you are to acknowledge your agreement and submit your response. Shortly thereafter, you will be contacted over e-mail by practicum students to set up an initial appointment via Zoom.