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Private Scholarships

BYU-Idaho encourages all students to apply for scholarships from private, outside agencies unrelated to BYU-Idaho.
Application, deadlines, and requirements vary, so be aware of the specific requirements for each scholarship. Apply for scholarships as soon as possible. Many deadlines are early in the year.

How do I Apply a Scholarship to my Student Charges

Once you are offered a scholarship,

  • Have your offering agency send a check made out to “BYU-Idaho” to the address below.

    Scholarship mailing address:
    BYU-Idaho Cashier’s Office
    Outside Scholarships
    525 Center St. KIM 130, Rexburg, ID 83460-1625

  • Be sure to include your name, I-number, and a letter specifying the term(s) the scholarship is intended for and any eligibility requirements (such as minimum credit enrollment or minimum GPA).
  • Once BYU-Idaho receives your scholarship, it generally takes between 10-14 to be processed and added to your student portal.

Scholarship Tips and Tricks

  • Scholarship searching is all about YOU. The more effort you put into your scholarship search, the more reward you will receive. Don’t wait until the last minute! You may miss important deadlines and opportunities.
  • Local scholarships give the best opportunities to win because fewer students qualify, and most qualifiers do not apply!
  • Tap into organizations and businesses where you already have connections: parent’s employers, booster clubs, sports teams, and alumni.
  • AI tools can help you in your scholarship search. Ask your favorite AI tool to help you find scholarships related to topics that interest you.
  • Ask your guidance counselors and teachers at your high school what is available.
    • Ask for the senior awards night program from last year and study it.
    • Who won last year’s awards? Ask them for advice. Why did they win, and who decides? Was it one of your counselors? The business owner? Reach out to that decision-maker!
  • Your employer may provide TUITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS and SCHOLARSHIPS! Check with HR to see how to qualify and be sure to follow up with all documentation!
  • If your parents are serving or have served in the military, scholarships may be available for you through their military branch. Check out our Veteran’s Benefits page for more info!
  • Use legitimate and vetted resources. You should never pay to apply for a scholarship!
  • Many scholarships are geared around hobbies and interests. Find unique things about yourself and search for scholarships.
  • Follow the instructions! Answer every question. Watch the word count on essays and be creative. Check your grammar. Submit early!
  • Market yourself! Make yourself stand out. Take the time to self-evaluate. What can you do that no one else can? Then be specific about your experience, passion, skills, and qualifications for each specific application.
  • Provide the correct amount of recommendation letters. Ask those who write one for you to be specific about your qualifications for that scholarship.
  • Save your essay(s) in a word document to edit and use for the next application.
Avoiding Scams
  • Be wise about the information you share on a scholarship application!
  • Never pay to apply for a scholarship!
  • The Department of Education offers suggestions on avoiding scams.

Resources and Ideas for Where to Start

  • Professors/Department Chair
  • Student Societies and Clubs (like FCCLA or FCS Society)
  • State / National organizations in your field of study
  • Hobbies or outside interests can lead to scholarship opportunities
  • High school counselors
  • Local Banks and Credit Unions
  • Local organizations and businesses
    • Utility company
    • Your parent's employer
  • Local Clubs
    • Kiwanis Club Rotary
    • Club Elks Club
  • The Chamber of Commerce
  • Corporate Sponsors
  • Idaho Opportunity Scholarship
  • Idaho Launch Grant
  • The Segal AmeriCorps Education Award is money given to AmeriCorps members after completing their service.
  • It can be used for college, graduate school, vocational training, or to repay student loans
  • Helps people with qualifying disabilities prepare for and find jobs through career counseling and training.
  • BYU-Idaho works with state VR programs so eligible students can use these funds for their education and career goals.
The Hemming Foundation has provided funds to assist students applying to allopathic (MD) medical schools.
  • Funds are intended to help offset expenses associated with application fees and travel to and from medical school interviews.
  • Funding amount varies and is determined after considering both the strength of an application and financial need.
  • Click the link for additional information and application instructions.