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Reading Center

Think of our Reading Center tutors as personal trainers, GPA coaches for your grades and academic success. Your study buddy will be a "guide by your side" and help you learn how to learn.

Request a Study Buddy

Remember More Study Less

Students read, get help and learn at the reading center.

Remember More Study Less

Study Strategies
Time management
Organization, Ongoing review
Test-taking strategies
Comprehension Skills: Vocabulary
Context clues
Dictionary skills
Roots and affixes
Comprehension Skills: Reading
Main idea/claims
Supporting details/evidence
Purpose, audience, tone, and bias
Rhetorical patterns
Logical fallacies
Figurative language

Request a Tutor in the Reading Center

Talk to an administrator in the Reading Center in the McKay Library (Room 290) or complete an online tutor request form.

Tutor Request Form

Reading Center