Be a Part of Great Productions

The BYU-Idaho Department of Theatre offers a wide span of theatrical experiences to engage its participants and accommodate their diverse strengths. It is our highest aim to provide students with spiritual and academic opportunities in all aspects of the creative process of theatre. They will be trained in an environment that fosters individual creativity and commitment to the principles of the restored gospel.
Classes and experiences are designed to develop the performance skills necessary to excel as actors and directors. We teach principles of theatrical design and technology, enabling students to deepen their understanding of dramatic literature, theatre history, and criticism. A number of degrees, minors, and concentrations are offered to individualize students' education and career paths.
Students don't have to be a theatre major to audition for productions and enroll in theatre classes, we encourage everyone to participate! Regardless of major or skill level, students can find great educational, social, and enjoyable experiences. Students with interests in technical theatre, set design, costume design and set construction can also volunteer to help with theatrical productions.
Upcoming Productions
Written by Rose Courtney
Adapted from the Short Story by Isak Dinesen
Directed by Justin Bates
February 5–8 & 12–14 at 7:30 pm
February 15 at 2:00 pm
Snow Black Box Theatre
Based on the 1958 short story by Isak Dinesen, and made famous by the 1987 Academy Award–winning film, the play tells the story of Babette, a French refugee, who finds asylum in a pious Norwegian village in 1871. With boundless generosity, she throws a lavish feast that becomes an agent of transformative grace that heals a fractured community.