Minoring in Military Science

The BYU-Idaho program is an extension of Boise State University Army ROTC. The ROTC program encompasses a four-year period tailored to the normal progression of a student through four years of college. Military Science is a minor field of study. Students are expected to specialize in a major field of their choice.
To complete a Military Science minor and become an officer in the U.S. Army, a student must be a U.S. citizen and must meet the academic and physical requirements of ROTC. However, the Military Science program is designed so that the first two years of study are open to most students. 100 and 200 level classes within this minor can be taken without incurring a military obligation.
A Program Designed for Strength
The instruction program complements the academic schedule of the university and is taught by professional Army officers and non-commissioned officers. Army ROTC is designed to teach principles and techniques of leadership and management in preparation for service as an Army officer and civic leader.
After BYU-Idaho
Eligible students are encouraged to contract with the Army as soon as they have met the qualifications, but are not required to do so during the first two years. After students have completed the first two years, all the basic courses, and reached junior status they must contract with the Army to continue in the advanced course and be commissioned as an Army Lieutenant upon graduation from BYU-Idaho.